




Scientific Publications

Greenberg CB, Javsicas LH, Clauson RM, Suckow MA, Kalinauskas AE, Lucroy MD. Field Safety Experience With an Autologous Cancer Vaccine in 41 Horses: A Retrospective Study (2019-2021). J Equine Vet Sci. 2022 Jul;114:103948. doi: 10.1016/j.jevs.2022.103948. Epub 2022 Apr 9. PMID: 35405291.

Lucroy MD, Kugler AM, El-Tayyeb F, Clauson RM, Kalinauskas AE, Suckow MA. Field safety experience with an autologous cancer vaccine in tumor-bearing cats: a retrospective study of 117 cases (2015–2020). Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. July 2021

Lucroy MD, Clauson RM, Suckow MA, El-Tayyeb F, Kalinauskas A. Evaluation of an autologous cancer vaccine for the treatment of metastatic canine hemangiosarcoma: a preliminary study. BMC Veterinary Research, 2018

Crossley RA, Matz A, Dew T, Kalinauskas A, Faucette N, Poff B, Silbart LK, Suckow MA. Safety evaluation of autologous tissue vaccinecancer immunotherapy in a canine model. Anitcancer Research, 39:1699-1703, 2019.

Suckow MA. Cancer vaccines: harnessing the potential of anti-tumor immunity. The Veterinary Journal, 198:28-33, 2013.

Suckow MA, Ritchie R, and Overby A. 2011. Extracellular matrix adjuvant for vaccines. Pp. 441-458. In: Pignatello, R. (ed.),Biomaterials: Applications for Nanomedicine, 2019.

Suckow MA, Hall P, Hiles MC. Tissue vaccines for prevention and treatment of prostate cancer. Proceedia in Vaccinology 1:124-126, 2009.

Suckow MA, Wolter WR, Sailes VT. Inhibition of prostate cancer metastasis by administration of a tissue vaccine. Clinical &Experimental Metastasis 25:913-918, 2008.

Suckow MA, Hall P, Wolter W, Sailes V, Hiles MC. Use of an extracellular matrix material as a vaccine carrier and adjuvant. Anticancer Research 28:2529-2534, 2008.

Suckow MA, Wheeler JD, Wolter WR, Sailes V, Yan M. Immunization with a tissue vaccine enhances the effect of irradiationof prostate tumors. In Vivo 22:171-177, 2008.

Suckow MA, Heinrich JE, Rosen ED. Tissue vaccines for cancer. Expert Review of Vaccines 6:925-937, 2007.

Suckow MA, Rosen ED, Wolter WR, Sailes V, Jeffrey R, Tenniswood M. Prevention of human PC-346C prostate cancer growth inmice by a xenogeneic vaccine. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy 56:1275-1283, 2007.

Suckow MA, Wolter WR, Pollard M. Prevention of autochthonous prostate cancer by immunization with tumor-derived vaccines. Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, 54:571-576, 2005.