
Changing The Way Cancer Is Treated

With Veterinary Therapeutics That Harness The Power Of The Immune System.


With Torigen, A Cancer Diagnosis Isn't The End

Millions of companion animals are diagnosed with cancer each year.

And with just several hundred practicing veterinary oncologists in the United States, clinics are looking for additional solutions to lighten the treatment burden and provide beneficial therapeutic options to their patients.

At Torigen, we create a whole-cell tissue vaccine from the patient’s deactivated tumor cells that, when delivered following a simple protocol, induces inherent cancer immunity that works with the pet’s natural biological functions, rather than against them.



Changing The Way Cancer Is Treated.

Autologous cancer vaccines have the opportunity to help the 90% of veterinary cancer patients that don’t see an oncologist due to cost concerns, logistical issues and fear of treatment side effects. These cutting edge vaccines are also easy to implement with a straightforward treatment protocol, no capital equipment expense and no specialized PPE or regulatory compliance issues.



Learn How Torigen Can Make A Difference For Your Patients

Our experimental autologous cancer immunotherapy can be administered by general practitioners or oncologists in any clinical setting, alone or in conjunction with other treatments. Since each cancer mutation is unique, we believe that treatments require a personalized approach, and that’s exactly what we do. With your help, we can reach more patients while providing hope for their families.